Binding Powder
Tile, ceramic, and stone binding powder
Tile and ceramic binding powder has been produced as a basic cement product making use of the European technology in compliance with the obligation of national standard of Iran with the technical certificate of the research center of road, housing, and urban development.
Tile and ceramic binding powder, CG90, may be used for binding different kind of tiles and ceramics, broken tiles, traditional tiling, pool tiling, fountains, residential, and lab, in indoor and outdoor faces, with one to four millimeter binds.
Applied Specifications
- Consistency & uniformity of color and quality throughout the project
- ementation both manually and or with the use of gun equipment
- Resistance to UV Ray
- Compatible with the environment
- Highly resistant to washing
- Appropriate flexibility
- Anti-algae
- Bionic structure
Proprietary Advantages
- Diversified colors according to the customer’s order
- Waterproof
- Crack-free implementation
- Anti-algae
- Antibacterial

Brick binding powder
Samix brick binding powder was produced as a cement base product making use of the latest technology of Europe in accordance with the requirements of the national standards of Iran.
Samix brick binding powder may be used for binding different kinds of façade and refractory bricks, decorative and antique faced stones, different kinds of glassy ceramics, and indoor and outdoor faces with 6 to 20mm.
Applied Specifications
- Usable for all arrangements and different kinds of bricks and antique stones
- Easy implementation, both manually or making use of gun-shaped equipment
- Uniformity of color and quality in the whole construction of the project
- Consistency of color and resistance against ultraviolet ray
- high resistance to washing
- Compatible with the environment
- Appropriate flexibility
- Anti-algae
- Bionic structure
مزایای اختصاصی
- Least pollution of the brick due to decreased consumer water
- Diversified colors based on the customer’s order
- Waterproof
- Crack-free implementation
- Anti-algae
- Antibacterial